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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

    Bolchha Nepal

    Chief Editor and Founder at Bolchha Nepal, a Daily News, Public Opinion, and Market Buzz news portal in Nepal. We make sure that your voice reaches a bigger audience. Join as a contributor to start writing.

    Gab, Social Network Favored By The Far Right, Goes Back Online

    It had been shut down following the massacre at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Written by This news first appeared on https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/gab-back-online_us_5be01052e4b09d43e32099a9 under the title "Gab, Social Network Favored By The...

    China can apparently now identify citizens based on the way they walk

    China is home to the world’s largest network of CCTV cameras — over 170 million — and its police have adopted Google Glass-like ‘smart specs’ to seek out suspects in...

    Meet TechCrunch’s Mike Butcher at #WebSummit at 4PM today

    One Minute TechCrunch! Since it’s impossible, as a journalist, to crawl around all the stands at Web Summit in Lisbon, I thought it would be easier to stand in one...

    Where’s the accountability Facebook?

    Facebook has yet again declined an invitation for its founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to answer international politicians’ questions about how disinformation spreads on his platform and undermines...

    Volunteer at Disrupt Berlin 2018 and score a free Innovator pass

    Looking for a way to experience Disrupt Berlin 2018, but your budget simply won’t cooperate? Sign up as a volunteer, and we’ll thank you with a complimentary Innovator pass...

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