Farewell to Roger Federer, the greatest player in an era of greats | Barney Ronay

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Swiss, who won 20 grand slam titles, combined balletic grace with accuracy, power, shot selection and competitive will

Time and simple human wear-and-tear told us Roger Federer had to stop playing professional tennis at some point. Here is a man who was winning grand slam tournaments before the iPhone was invented, while Tony Blair was still a very popular prime minister, and who first won Wimbledon two months after Carlos Alcaraz was born.

And yet the news that Federer intends to retire now at the ludicrously advanced age of 41 still feels like a shock, an oversight, a rumour that got out of hand. Is everyone really sure about this?

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Written by Barney Ronay
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2022/sep/15/farewell-roger-federer-greatest-player-era-tennis-greats under the title “Farewell to Roger Federer, the greatest player in an era of greats | Barney Ronay”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.