IBN CEO Adhikari presents working paper on important projects of province 3

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HETAUDA: The Chief Executive Officer of Investment Board of Nepal, Maha Prasad Adhikari has presented working paper on prospects of construction of vital projects in province 3 on Thursday.

Speaking at a discussion programme organised by the Board in Hetauda, CEO Adhikari informed the participants on Kathmandu-Kulekhani-Hetauda Tunnel Highway, Kerung Kathmandu railway, Budhi Gandaki Hydropower among other such ambitious projects.

Likewise, CEO Adhikari stressed on the need to create an investment friendly environment citing that the foreign investors were willing to invest in Nepal.

“The board has taken initiatives to channel investments in national pride projects of each seven provinces in the Country,” CEO Adhikari said.

The post IBN CEO Adhikari presents working paper on important projects of province 3 appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

Written by Prahlad Rijal
This news first appeared on https://thehimalayantimes.com/business/investment-board-ceo-adhikari-presents-working-paper-on-important-projects-of-province-3/ under the title “IBN CEO Adhikari presents working paper on important projects of province 3”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.