I’m lucky to be Nepalese. Exotification is low on the racism scale | Ranuka Tandan

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False assumptions are made about me, but that’s nothing like the treatment meted out to those of other ethnic backgrounds

If I had to think of a moment in my life where racist language was used against me, nothing comes to mind.

But if I had to think of a moment in my life where I was exoticised, where notions of cultural idealism were projected on to me, where false assumptions were made about me – I have an abundance of examples.

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Written by Ranuka Tandan
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/10/im-lucky-nepalese-exotification-low-on-the-racism-scale under the title “

I’m lucky to be Nepalese. Exotification is low on the racism scale | Ranuka Tandan

“. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.