Jack Wilshere and Joe Hart in the cold after losing key to England door

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Arsenal midfielder pays World Cup price for underachieving while Manchester City exit began goalkeeper’s slide

Jack Wilshere and Joe Hart appear to be the early casualties of Gareth Southgate’s England planning – two relatively young players who would have imagined an international future at the last World Cup.

Wilshere got a chance in Brazil only once England had been eliminated, whereas Hart played in the first two games but made way for Ben Foster as Roy Hodgson rang the changes for the final match against Costa Rica. Both players went on to play in the calamitous defeat against Iceland in Nice that signalled the end of England’s Euro 2016 campaign and prompted Hodgson’s resignation, though neither is particularly tainted by the sort of tournament failure that has come to haunt teams from this country.

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Written by Paul Wilson
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/may/15/jack-wilshere-joe-hart-cold-england-key-world-cup under the title “Jack Wilshere and Joe Hart in the cold after losing key to England door”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.