Klopp claims Liverpool should ‘get points’ if Old Trafford game abandoned

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  • Manchester United fans planning demonstrations on Monday
  • Liverpool’s match postponed in May 2021 after stadium protests

Jürgen Klopp believes Liverpool should be awarded three points if their game at Old Trafford on Monday is abandoned because of protests against Manchester United’s owners, as happened 15 months ago.

Liverpool’s visit to Old Trafford was postponed in May 2021 when United fans entered the stadium, closed at the time because of the pandemic, during protests against the Glazer family. The game was rescheduled for two weeks later, with Liverpool winning 4-2.

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Written by Andy Hunter
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/aug/20/klopp-claims-liverpool-should-get-points-if-old-trafford-game-abandoned under the title “Klopp claims Liverpool should ‘get points’ if Old Trafford game abandoned”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.