Liz Truss’s strange and chilling desire to ‘channel the spirit of Don Revie’ | Jonathan Liew

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An unusual choice of inspirational figure suggests the new prime minister will do little to fundamentally change football

At Conservative party hustings in Leeds six weeks ago, Liz Truss declared she wanted to “channel the spirit of Don Revie”. Which suggests she wasn’t entirely familiar with his experience of leading his country. Still, as she takes office amid dismal poll ratings, with a sceptical parliamentary party and an election looming in 2024, the new prime minister may just regard three years in the job, followed by a lucrative and widely reviled sinecure in the Middle East, as a pretty decent outcome.

Of course, political coverage in this country has long been influenced by the confected drama and basic unseriousness of its sporting counterpart. And sure enough much of the recent coverage of the Conservative leadership “race” has been essentially indistinguishable from the media flurry that usually greets big managerial appointments in football.

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Written by Jonathan Liew
This news first appeared on under the title “Liz Truss’s strange and chilling desire to ‘channel the spirit of Don Revie’ | Jonathan Liew”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.