Rassie Erasmus banned from rugby for two months over Lions tour conduct

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  • South Africa director of rugby found guilty of threats to referee
  • Suspended from match-day involvement until next autumn

Rassie Erasmus’s reputation has been shredded after World Rugby threw the book at the South Africa director of rugby for his outburst during the Lions tour and found him guilty of making threats to a referee.

Erasmus has been banned from all rugby activities for two months – meaning he will miss the match against England at Twickenham on Saturday – and suspended from all match-day activities until September, having been found guilty of six charges, including threatening the referee, Nic Berry. Erasmus must also apologise to Lions match officials and he has been warned over his future conduct.

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Written by Gerard Meagher
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/nov/17/rassie-erasmus-hit-with-ban-and-long-matchday-suspension-over-lions-tour-rugby-union under the title “Rassie Erasmus banned from rugby for two months over Lions tour conduct”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.