‘We’re lucky to have him back’: Manu Tuilagi in line for Sale return

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Manu Tuilagi is back in contention for selection this weekend according to his Sale Sharks coach, Alex Sanderson, who also conceded that the England centre was “rushed back” to the international fold in time for the Six Nations.

“It needed a more graduated return to play, in terms of his loading, for him to take on [the] load he couldn’t handle that week,” Sanderson said of Tuilagi, who was selected to start against Wales after only 81 minutes of rugby following a three-month absence but then sustained a hamstring injury in training.

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Written by Daniel Gallan
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/mar/22/were-lucky-to-have-him-back-manu-tuilagi-in-line-for-sale-return under the title “‘We’re lucky to have him back’: Manu Tuilagi in line for Sale return”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.