13th SA Games postponed for December

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South Asian Games

Jeevan Ram Shrestha (center) President of Nepal Olympic Committee reacts with media during press meet of the 13th South Asian Games in Kathmandu on Tuesday. Photo: THT

Kathmandu, March 5

Nepal Olympic Committee announced the new dates of the 13th South Asian Games here at a press meet today.

According to NOC President Jeevan Ram Shrestha, the regional sporting extravaganza will now be held from December 1-9. The SA Games was scheduled for March 9-18.

The meeting of South Asian Olympic Council held in Thailand earlier this week agreed to postponed the SA Games to December.

“There were mixed reaction among the representatives of the SOAC member countries after we proposed the new dates,” said NOC President Shrestha. “But everyone was convinced after we gave our commitment for December and the decision was taken unanimously,” he added. “The main reason behind the postponement is the lack of infrastructure and we are sure the construction works will take pace to meet the deadline,” he added. “This is the final chance for us as we have to organise the SA Games within this year.”

Secretary at the Ministry of Youth and Sports Krishna Devkota was also positive towards the hosting of the Games in December. “We had a long meeting before finalising the dates of the SA Games and we had decided to ask the NOC to set the new dates between Mid-November to Mid-December,” said Devkota. “We were behind the schedule in infrastructure and technical preparations. But as per the reports collected from the concerned departments, the construction works will finish by August and we will be able to host the Games in December,” he said.

National Sports Council Vice-president Pitambar Timsina said the sports governing body was committed to meet the deadline this time around. “The new dates were finalised after consultation with the stakeholders and we will not leave any stone unturned to host the Games in December,” he said. “We will also consult the national associations of concerned sports disciplines regarding their plans and targets,” he added.

The SAOC has already finalised 27 sports disciplines for the 13th edition of the Games which is being held in Nepal for the third time. Nepal had hosted the first South Asian Federation Games in 1984 and eighth edition in 1999.

Jeevan Ram Shrestha (center) President of Nepal Olympic Committee reacts with media during press meet of the 13th South Asian Games in Kathmandu on Tuesday.

The post 13th SA Games postponed for December appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

Written by Sandeep
This news first appeared on https://thehimalayantimes.com/sports/13th-sa-games-postponed-for-december/ under the title “13th SA Games postponed for December”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.