Scarlets’ Johnny McNicholl calls for artificial pitches to be banned

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• Full-back suffered burns and blisters on Glasgow pitch
• John Barclay ruptured an achilles’ tendon at Scotstoun

Johnny McNicholl has called for artificial pitches to be outlawed after he and a number of his Scarlets team-mates suffered burns and blisters during Friday night’s Guinness Pro14 semi-final in Glasgow and the region’s Scotland captain, John Barclay, ruptured an achilles’ tendon that will keep him out for six months.

The following day the Wasps flanker Jack Willis, who had just been called into the England squad, ruptured ligaments in his right knee on Saracens’ artificial pitch and will be out of action for up to a year. Last month the Pau back-row Steffon Armitage ruptured an achilles’ tendon during the European Challenge Cup semi-final defeat at Cardiff Blues and is unlikely to play again this year.

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Written by Paul Rees
This news first appeared on under the title “Scarlets’ Johnny McNicholl calls for artificial pitches to be banned”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.