England’s Itoje promises ‘honest’ inquest into lacklustre Samoa win

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England will hold an in-depth debrief on Monday into their lacklustre victory against Samoa, with Maro Itoje calling for honesty and pledging “awkward and tough” conversations before attention turns to Sunday’s quarter-final against Fiji in Marseille.

Itoje and co finished their pool‑stage campaign with four wins from four but needed Danny Care’s late try and last-ditch tackle to overcome an inspired Samoa team, who gave England an almighty scare in Lille. England trailed 17-8 early in the second half and were error-prone throughout, harking back to their pre-World Cup campaign in which they endured disappointing defeats against Wales, Ireland and Fiji.

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Written by Gerard Meagher in Lille
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/oct/08/england-maro-itoje-honest-inquest-samoa-win under the title “England’s Itoje promises ‘honest’ inquest into lacklustre Samoa win”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.