Bobby Charlton remembered by thousands in competition he enriched | Will Unwin

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First Manchester United home match after death of club legend was marked by symbols of the past, present and future

Sir Bobby Charlton will for ever be associated with the European Cup. It was the root of his two most significant days as a Manchester United player, making Copenhagen’s visit to Old Trafford a perfect night for respects to be paid to a legend.

Charlton survived the plane crash in Munich on the way back from a match against Red Star Belgrade in 1958 and a decade later he scored in the 4-1 final triumph over Benfica. Overcoming adversity was key but did not define his life – his medals and humility did that.

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Written by Will Unwin at Old Trafford
This news first appeared on under the title “Bobby Charlton remembered by thousands in competition he enriched | Will Unwin”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.