‘I don’t feel pressure’: Sky Brown on her skating glory and surfing dream | Sean Ingle

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Teenage skateboarding star and Olympic medallist displays maturity beyond her years and wants to excel in two events

Over a breathless hour on Tuesday morning Team GB’s 15‑year‑old skateboarding star, Sky Brown, lit up the London skyline with her dazzling repertoire of tricks – all from a floating half-pipe on the River Thames overlooking Tower Bridge.

Commuters gawped. Schoolkids pointed. And while a drone buzzed constantly around her, capturing all her handplants, aerials and trademark Japan Air trick for a new campaign for Tag Heuer, she never missed a beat.

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Written by Sean Ingle
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2024/mar/26/i-dont-feel-pressure-sky-brown-on-her-skating-glory-and-surfing-dream under the title “‘I don’t feel pressure’: Sky Brown on her skating glory and surfing dream | Sean Ingle”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.