Australian Open: Johanna Konta fit after injury but Brits may feel pain

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Konta and Kyle Edmund lead British hopes in Melbourne but the draw has not been kind and hopes of any second-week involvement do not look particularly strong

As the thin red line of British tennis thickened to a modest eight players in Melbourne on Friday, Johanna Konta, who plays in the first round on Tuesday, was at least favoured to be still standing as long as any of the others.

If that is unduly pessimistic, it remains an obvious fact that these are precarious times in an era that has post-Murray written all over it, if the retirement-bound Andy does not get past Roberto Bautista Agut on Monday.

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Written by Kevin Mitchell in Melbourne
This news first appeared on under the title “Australian Open: Johanna Konta fit after injury but Brits may feel pain”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.