Australia’s defeat by South Africa sets up England semi-final at World Cup

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South Africa 325-6; Australia 315
• David Warner’s 122 from 117 balls fails to bring victory

South Africa flicked the switch at yet another Old Trafford World Cup seat-clencher to defeat Australia by 10 runs and set up a semi-final between Australia and England on Thursday.

Tension had mounted after the result zipping across the Pennines from Headingley meant that Australia had to beat South Africa – fail, and India would whip away the freshly prepared New Zealand fattened calf, tender and soft, and send them instead to Birmingham.

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Written by Tanya Aldred at Old Trafford
This news first appeared on under the title “Australia’s defeat by South Africa sets up England semi-final at World Cup”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.