Back-to-school day for Stokes and Buttler hit by lack of homework | Andy Bull

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Joe Root’s side have now been dismissed for under 250 in seven of the 14 Test innings they have played since September

Seems new dawns last longer in the Arctic winter than they do in English cricket. At Lord’s their latest broke at around 3.30pm, when Jos Buttler walked out to join Ben Stokes in the middle, then set again 40 minutes later when Stokes was dismissed leg-before and Buttler was caught at second slip. By 4.30pm, England were all out for 184. They had lost six wickets for 35 runs in 63 balls. Sudden and short as it all was, the mayhem lasted long enough to make one thing clear – whatever was wrong with the team’s batting in the winter, it hasn’t been fixed in the spring.

Related: Joe Root admits ‘wicket did more than expected’ after England collapse

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Written by Andy Bull at Lord’s
This news first appeared on under the title “Back-to-school day for Stokes and Buttler hit by lack of homework | Andy Bull”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.