Balotelli returned to Italy with hope. It has been crushed again by racism

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The racist abuse of Mario Balotelli made for another awful day in Serie A, made worse by those who deny it is even occurring

You can’t delete racism. It’s like a cigarette. You can’t stop smoking if you don’t want to, and you can’t stop racism if people don’t want to.

Six years have passed since Mario Balotelli spoke those words in an interview with Sports Illustrated. He was on top of the world back then, Italy’s first-choice No 9 and fresh from a triumphant half-season at Milan. Signed from Manchester City during the January transfer window, he had scored 12 times in 13 games for the Rossoneri, carrying them to third place.

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Written by Nicky Bandini
This news first appeared on under the title “Balotelli returned to Italy with hope. It has been crushed again by racism”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.