Bobby De Cordova-Reid belter eases Fulham to victory over limited Millers

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This was a kind of non-game. It washed over Craven Cottage, leaving little impression on anyone present. There was no intensity, no jeopardy and no hint of Rotherham causing an unlikely upset. Their sole aim was damage limitation and they at least succeeded on that front, albeit without ever making any pretence of actually trying to end Fulham’s interest in the FA Cup.

It was all understandable enough. Rotherham are bottom of the Championship, seven points off Huddersfield Town in 21st place, and have three wins in the league all season. They could be forgiven for allowing realism to trump romance. Perhaps Leam Richardson’s side even regarded a 1-0 defeat against mid-table Premier League opposition as a kind of moral triumph.

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Written by Jacob Steinberg at Craven Cottage
This news first appeared on under the title “Bobby De Cordova-Reid belter eases Fulham to victory over limited Millers”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.