Burden of expectation the only obvious banana skin for England in Le Crunch

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France will set out not to lose at Twickenham rather than to win but the hosts should surely have too much for them

As Eddie Jones plots the second instalment of his side’s Six Nations programme against France at Twickenham on Sunday, he has deleted a recording of the victory against Ireland, which was probably his greatest triumph since he took over at the end of 2015. As they say in the head coach’s native Australia, “a rooster one day, a feather duster the next”.

England were not burdened by expectation in Dublin but they are overwhelming favourites against France, who have not won at Twickenham since 2005 and whose last away victory in the Six Nations outside Rome or Edinburgh was in Dublin eight years ago. Hubris, rather than Les Bleus, is England’s greatest opponent.

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Written by Paul Rees
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/feb/09/england-france-six-nations-twickenham-expectation under the title “Burden of expectation the only obvious banana skin for England in Le Crunch”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.