Chelsea identify Amorim and De Zerbi as potential Pochettino replacements

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Chelsea’s desire to wait until the end of the season before reviewing Mauricio Pochettino’s position has not stopped the club from identifying Rúben Amorim and Roberto De Zerbi as potential replacements for the Argentinian.

Pochettino, who was handed a two-year deal after arriving at Stamford Bridge last summer, faces an uncertain future after a mixed run of results. Supporters turned on the head coach during Chelsea’s 2-2 draw with Brentford last Saturday and there are doubts over whether the 52-year-old will be in charge next season.

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Written by Jacob Steinberg
This news first appeared on under the title “Chelsea identify Amorim and De Zerbi as potential Pochettino replacements”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.