Daniel Cormier vs. Stipe Miocic II: The case for, against the heavyweight title rematch

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With a UFC heavyweight title rematch between Daniel Cormier and Stipe Miocic in the works, E. Spencer Kyte dissects the pros and cons of the pairing and the bigger picture issue that needs addressing now that things in the big boy ranks are finally getting back on track.

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This news first appeared on https://www.sportingnews.com/us/mma/news/daniel-cormier-vs-stipe-miocic-ii-the-case-for-and-against-the-heavyweight-title-rematch-and-the-bigger-issue-that-needs-addressing/131k9tsxi1qu01u34an0l42yee under the title “Daniel Cormier vs. Stipe Miocic II: The case for, against the heavyweight title rematch”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.