David Strettle try helps Saracens to the top of Premiership

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• Saracens 33-10 Leicester
• Tigers overwhelmed in second half

Saracens needed a bonus-point win to retake their position at the top of the table, so that was what they took, obviously. For the majority of the match a bonus point, at least of the attacking variety, was the farthest notion from any of the minds here assembled in Barnet. Indeed, with an hour gone, Saracens were trailing, as they had for the entirety of the third quarter. The stuff of champions it was not.

This was one of those domestic matches in the shadow of the Six Nations that tend not to linger in the memory. Saracens took their first try early, but thereafter neither side could make anything stick. And, with a try all of a sudden on the stroke of half-time, it was Leicester who took an unlikely lead into the break.

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Written by Michael Aylwin at Allianz Park
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/feb/16/saracens-leicester-premiership-match-report under the title “David Strettle try helps Saracens to the top of Premiership”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.