David Warner passes Bradman as Starc wickets vindicate Paine declaration

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  • Warner hits 335* – the second highest by an Australian
  • Mitchell Starc’s 4-22 leaves Pakistan reeling at stumps

Australia’s decision to put winning a match ahead of a David Warner potential world-record score has paid dividends with Pakistan all but out of the pink-ball Test.

After David Warner hit an Adelaide Oval record 335 not out on Saturday in Australia’s 3-589 declared, Mitchell Starc took four wickets to have the tourists 6-96 at stumps on day two.

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Written by Australian Associate Press
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/nov/30/david-warner-passes-bradman-but-test-win-the-priority-for-paine under the title “David Warner passes Bradman as Starc wickets vindicate Paine declaration”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.