Dina Asher-Smith wins world 200m gold to make history for Great Britain

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• Asher-Smith wins in national record of 21.88sec
• Sprinter is first British woman to be 200m world champion

Not so long ago Dina Asher-Smith studied history. Now she makes it. And on a balmy desert night she produced a performance of shock and awe to become the first Briton – male or female – to win a world championship 200m title.

It was not so much a race as a 91-step exhibition of Asher-Smith’s talents: she blasted powerfully out of the blocks, had a winning lead at the bend, and then brought home the gold medal in 21.88sec – a time that also lowered her own national record.

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Written by Sean Ingle in Doha
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/oct/02/dina-asher-smith-wins-world-200m-golg-world-athletics-championships under the title “Dina Asher-Smith wins world 200m gold to make history for Great Britain”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.