Dish Media, NSJF ink sponsorship deal

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Dish Media Network Limited and Nepal Sports Journalists Forum today extended the sponsorship deal for the Pulsar Sports Award.

Dish Media Network Managing Director Sudeep Acharya (left) and NSJF General Secretary Prajwal Oli exchange the MoU at a signing ceremony in Kathmandu on Wednesday, December 23, 2020. Photo: THT

Dish Media Managing Director Sudeep Acharya and NSJF General Secretary Prajwal Oli exchanged the memorandum understanding amidst a signing ceremony. As per the agreement, Dish Media — one of the operators of Nepal’s broadcast and transmission services industry for digital television channels — will be the main co-sponsor of the Award.

As the main co-sponsor, Dish Media will provide the NSJF with Rs 700,000 in cash and kind worth Rs 400,000.

The Dish Media will provide a total of 33 Dish Home set top box — one each to 13 winners with two-year subscription and one apiece to 20 nominees with one-year subscription.

Dish Media MD Acharya lauded the NSJF for organising the award despite adverse situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic. “Giving continuity to the award is the most important aspect in such situation,” said Acharya. “And we are happy to be associated with the programme.”

NSJF General Secretary Oli thanked Dish Media for its continuous support for the Sports Award. “This is a very difficult time for all and we are really grateful to Dish Media for extending the agreement in our bid to organise the Sports Award amidst pandemic,” said Oli.

The 17th edition of the Award is scheduled for January 12 next year at the karate covered hall on the premises of International Sports Complex in Lalitpur. The Award features 10 categories — Player of the year (male), PoY (female) and PoY (youth), coach of the year, People’s Choice, Para-athlete, Special, Lifetime Achievement, Team of the Year and International Asian Sports Journalist. Winners in four categories — male, female, coach and people’s choice — will receive Pulsar motorcycle each, while others will get Rs 50,000 apiece.

Hansaraj Hulaschand and Company is the main sponsor of the event, while Surya Nepal, Ruslan, Kelme, Royal Singi Hotel, National Sports Council, Nepal Olympic Committee and Hotel Crown Plaza are the co-sponsors and supporters.


The post Dish Media, NSJF ink sponsorship deal appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

Written by Sureis
This news first appeared on under the title “Dish Media, NSJF ink sponsorship deal”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.