Diverse player list makes scale of damage clear in lawsuit against World Rugby | Andy Bull

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The authorities must not lose sight of the fact that they have a game, and a lot of wounded men and women, to look after

It isn’t a secret any more. The identities of 207 more of the players involved in legal action against World Rugby, and the English and Welsh national unions, have been revealed, and, for the first time, the size and scale of the damage done is becoming clear to the public. It is a diverse list, a mix of men and women, amateurs and professionals, from a range of eras, with various conditions. But they have three things in common: they have all been diagnosed with neurological damage, they all allege it was caused by rugby, and they are all seeking damages from the authorities, accusing them of negligence.

Some played for the British & Irish Lions, some for England, some for Wales. Phil Vickery is one, Gavin Henson another, Mark Regan a third, Colin Charvis a fourth, Ian Gough a fifth, Harry Ellis a sixth. Some, like Duncan Bell, Paul Volley and Paul Sampson, were stalwarts of club rugby, and will be known, and loved, by many who follow the domestic game. Others were recreational players, people you won’t have heard of but who you might well have lined up with, or against, if you were ever a weekend player yourself.

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Written by Andy Bull
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/dec/01/diverse-player-list-makes-scale-of-damage-clear-in-lawsuit-against-world-rugby under the title “Diverse player list makes scale of damage clear in lawsuit against World Rugby | Andy Bull”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.