Duanne Olivier aborts Test career with South Africa to sign for Yorkshire

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Duanne Olivier has been flying of late. In his last five Tests the South African fast bowler has taken 31 wickets at 17 runs apiece, including 11 against Pakistan at Pretoria during December. He has just broken into the top 20 of the Test rankings and made his one-day international debut at the start of a year that brings with it the carrot of a World Cup in England.

But on Tuesday morning it was announced that Olivier, just 26, was giving up an international career – or a least placing it in cold storage for a good while – to sign a three-year deal at Yorkshire via the Kolpak ruling. The club are awaiting final sign-off on the registration that allows an overseas player to play as a local in county cricket provided their country of origin has a free trade agreement with the EU and they qualify for a work permit.

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Written by Ali Martin
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/feb/26/duanne-olivier-aborts-test-career-with-south-africa-to-sign-for-yorkshire under the title “Duanne Olivier aborts Test career with South Africa to sign for Yorkshire”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.