Ed Smith makes bold start as England gamble on Jos Buttler and Dom Bess | Vic Marks

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The new national selector has taken calculated risks to freshen up the squad after a tough winter to face Pakistan in the first Test at Lord’s

Ed Smith did not disappoint. Not for the first time the England and Wales Cricket Board promised “fresh ideas” and Smith duly delivered some that were genuinely fresh, coherently explained and rationally justified, unlike one or two other members/employees of the board in recent times.

He was also remarkably relaxed in his new role. He can articulate with the best of them; indeed he sounded rather like his recent Australian counterpart, John Inverarity, who first bounced Smith on his knee at Tonbridge almost 40 years ago. He was enthusiastic and accommodating.

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Written by Vic Marks
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/may/15/england-first-test-pakistan-lords-ed-smith-jos-buttler-dom-bess under the title “Ed Smith makes bold start as England gamble on Jos Buttler and Dom Bess | Vic Marks”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.