Emily Scarratt focuses on France after whirlwind week and world award | Emma John

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After a 12,000-mile round trip to Japan where she was named world player of the year, England’s totemic centre gets back to work on Saturday – with the 2021 World Cup a longer-term goal

The England centre Emily Scarratt is one of the best readers of play on a rugby pitch. She is not so great at spotting a dummy off the field, it turns out. When she was the only one of the three England women nominated for the World Rugby player of the year award who was flown to Japan for the ceremony last weekend, it did not occur to her that management might already have an inkling.

“As I understood it I was going on behalf of the England squad,” Scarratt says. “Now I start to smell a bit of a rat.”

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Written by Emma John
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/nov/08/emily-scarratt-england-women-france-world-player-year-rugby-union under the title “Emily Scarratt focuses on France after whirlwind week and world award | Emma John”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.