England expects: keep calm and glory is close for a side built on certainty | Barney Ronay

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Italy are formidable foes but like Southgate’s side and his captain Kane, they lack established trophy-hogging stars – the Euro 2020 final is a thrilling prospect

England expects. But what exactly? As Gareth Southgate’s England team prepare for the biggest game of their lives, on Sunday night, kick-off 8pm, there is something a little different about the tides of energy and noise, the sense of all-or-nothing tournament jeopardy.

The usual pageantry is present, the bunting and big screens, the pub garden flags, the feeling of some shared village fete in train. Look down the match-ups, study the tactical breakdowns, re-jig with a Gareth-esque frown your own pencilled front three, and that old stab of excitement is there.

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Written by Barney Ronay
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2021/jul/10/england-expects-keep-calm-and-glory-is-close-for-a-side-built-on-certainty under the title “England expects: keep calm and glory is close for a side built on certainty | Barney Ronay”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.