England must not be goaded into a World Cup arm-wrestle with Argentina | Ugo Monye

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Pumas will feed off emotion of occasion and will enjoy being underdogs so it is important for England to keep their control

There is no doubt in my mind that the midfield trio of George Ford, Owen Farrell and Manu Tuilagi is the best available to England if they have front-foot ball. That is going to be a big if in the latter stages of the tournament and I would urge caution against taking as read that this is now England’s first-choice combination.

It is a midfield who can carry out a gameplan very well and if they click it will be a good day at the office for England against Argentina. But would Eddie Jones really opt for those three against the power and the physicality of the All Blacks or South Africa? That is the only reason I would question it. They would have expected front-foot ball against Tonga and the USA and they will back themselves to have it against Argentina but you are far from guaranteed it if and when you reach the knockout stages.

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Written by Ugo Monye
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2019/oct/04/england-rugby-world-cup-argentina-arm-wrestle under the title “England must not be goaded into a World Cup arm-wrestle with Argentina | Ugo Monye”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.