England players held angry inquest after ‘embarrassing’ first half says Danny Rose

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• Players started discussion before Southgate came in
• ‘It’s a good sign there’s some leadership,’ said manager

England’s players conducted an angry inquest at half-time after what Danny Rose described as an embarrassing first‑half display against Switzerland, before Marcus Rashford’s goal ensured victory for the World Cup semi-finalists. Gareth Southgate had earlier suggested that he expected a slack opening to the friendly in Leicester with three of his lineup having yet to start a game for their club this season and a makeshift feel to the selection.

With the match goalless and the Swiss having enjoyed the majority of the play and better opportunities, the players took it on themselves to demand an improvement before the manager and his staff conducted their own team-talk. “We were outplayed,” said Rose, who was one of England’s better performers. “It was a bit embarrassing. We could have been two or three down. It’s great we can all shout at each other and tell each other it’s not good enough. The second half wasn’t amazing but it was better than the first and we’re over the moon we got the win.”

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Written by Dominic Fifield at the King Power Stadium
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/sep/11/danny-rose-england-first-half-embarrassing-switzerland under the title “England players held angry inquest after ‘embarrassing’ first half says Danny Rose”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.