Exeter Chiefs turn on the power to leapfrog Saracens as leaders

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• Exeter 31-13 Saracens
• Champions’ 22-match unbeaten runs comes to an end

Christmas comes around about as often as Saracens lose matches these days but there was absolutely no festive cheer on offer for the league leaders in Devon. After 22 matches unbeaten in all competitions the Premiership champions were abruptly dragged back to earth by a fiercely motivated Chiefs side who, for now, have replaced their rivals at the top of the domestic tree.

The foundations of Exeter’s best result of the season were again laid up front, with Saracens ultimately finishing second best in areas they usually dominate. Luke Cowan-Dickie, promoted to start at the 11th hour, made a striking return at hooker opposite England’s Jamie George, Scotland’s Sam Skinner delivered another fine performance and the significant impact of Harry Williams and Ben Moon off the bench left Saracens with nowhere to go.

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Written by Robert Kitson at Sandy Park
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/dec/22/exeter-saracens-premiership-match-report under the title “Exeter Chiefs turn on the power to leapfrog Saracens as leaders”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.