‘Fast Track’ only way out: Silwal

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KATHMANDU: National Sports Council Member Secretary Ramesh Silwal said the sports governing body had no option to adopt fast track procedures to prepare for hosting of the 13th South Asian Games.

Addressing the seminar on Infrastructure Development and Planning, Silwal urged the government to allocate the budget through fast track. “We have to host the SA Games in December and it will not be possible if we do not start preparing through fast track.

I would like to request the Finance Ministry to release the budget as soon as possible and through fast track procedures,” said Silwal. Acting Secretary at Ministry of Finance, Ganesh Prasad Pandey was present at the seminar.

The Youth and Sports Ministry is yet to finalise the working procedures for the SA Games, while NOC and NSC have already set athletes registration deadlines for the South Asian sporting extravaganza to be held in Kathmandu and Pokhara from December 1-10.

According to the NSC, all the participating nations except for Pakistan have confirmed their participation.

The post ‘Fast Track’ only way out: Silwal appeared first on The Himalayan Times.

Written by Nishant Pokhrel
This news first appeared on https://thehimalayantimes.com/sports/fast-track-only-way-out-silwal/ under the title “‘Fast Track’ only way out: Silwal”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.