Ferrari must match Mercedes’s teamwork to give Vettel a lift for 2019 | Giles Richards

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The speed with which Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes learn from mistakes has been critical in the F1 title race

The title is long gone for Ferrari and Sebastian Vettel and they know it. Indeed it would be hugely surprising if Lewis Hamilton does not win his fifth championship in Mexico this weekend. Yet for Vettel and the Scuderia presenting a coherent and constructive challenge for the last three races could be cause for optimism in a season when they have let the championship slip away.

After showing strong pace at the US Grand Prix, where Kimi Räikkönen won and Vettel believed he had the speed to do the same but for his grid penalty and spin, Ferrari seem to have found their mechanical mojo again.

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Written by Giles Richards
This news first appeared on under the title “Ferrari must match Mercedes’s teamwork to give Vettel a lift for 2019 | Giles Richards”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.