Four years to go: Qatar on course for its improbable World Cup

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Super-rich state determined to defy doubters as it presses on with preparations for 2022 but being in Doha for a few days prompts scepticism

It began almost a decade ago as the most unfeasible bid ever to host a World Cup: an outlandish proposal for “air-cooled” stadiums in the desert summer heat of a tiny, obscure-seeming Arab emirate with one city, Doha, populated by just 300,000 citizens. Qatar is though, the richest per capita state on earth, and on that cold Zurich night in December 2010 its bid succeeded in garnering a majority of Fifa executive committee votes, and claimed the right to host the 2022 World Cup.

Since then Qatar’s planned hosting of the tournament – its ubiquitous slogan in Doha is “Deliver Amazing” with its stated mission to unify people in the Middle East and project a positive Arab experience – has survived a hurricane of challenges. There have been waves of corruption allegations, which the secretary general of the “supreme committee” organising the World Cup, Hassan al-Thawadi, repeatedly denied, denounced and angrily dismissed as anti-Arab prejudice.

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Written by David Conn in Qatar. Photographs by Tom Jenkins
This news first appeared on under the title “Four years to go: Qatar on course for its improbable World Cup”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.