Frankie Dettori wins Gold Cup at his last Royal Ascot on Courage Mon Ami

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The greatest racing showman of the past 30 years ensured a suitably dramatic conclusion to his final Gold Cup here on Thursday. Frankie Dettori arrived with a perfectly timed run on Courage Mon Ami to overhaul Coltrane, the favourite, having started the long turn towards home with one horse behind him.

Dettori punched the air as he crossed the line, in what was perhaps a cathartic moment after his failure to add a fourth Gold Cup win to Stradivarius’s career record in the past two runnings of the race. He received some criticism for his efforts after both defeats, but his arrival centre-stage on Thursday was timed to the second.

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Written by Greg Wood at Royal Ascot
This news first appeared on under the title “Frankie Dettori wins Gold Cup at his last Royal Ascot on Courage Mon Ami”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.