George Ford pivotal to England’s hopes of winning Rugby World Cup

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The England fly-half is in cruise control – his kicking into space has been better than all the other No 10s in Japan

Having played against England at this World Cup I am not remotely surprised to see them in the final. They have a squad – and a gameplan – with “world champions” written all over it. Their confidence must also be through the roof having dismantled the All Blacks in Yokohama. Eddie Jones’s men seem to be peaking at the right time and have built steadily throughout the tournament.

Love him or hate him, England’s coach has been in masterful form. His “humorous” comments before games are no accident: they are designed to galvanise his team and brace them for the challenge of everyone hating England. Before USA’s game with England, Jones described us as “a bunch of Donald Trumps” to highlight our supposed unpredictability. It certainly ruffled a few feathers in our camp but, come the game, it was England who ruffled us.

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Written by Will Hooley
This news first appeared on under the title “George Ford pivotal to England’s hopes of winning Rugby World Cup”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.