Golden State Warriors v Cleveland Cavaliers: NBA finals Game 3 – live!

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Bryan will be here shortly. In the meantime, here’s Les Carpenter on why the series may not be over just yet:

There will be a time in these NBA finals when the shots fall for the Cleveland Cavaliers, their players remember the score and big calls go their way. When that happens the series can start.

Indeed, you would be mistaken if you think the finals are over just because of JR Smith’s blunder in Game 1 or because a blizzard of Stephen Curry three-pointers buried the Cavaliers in Game 2. Yes, the first two games were bad for the Cavaliers but a couple of losses on the road do not end any hope of winning a title. Not yet.

Related: Why the bloody-minded Cavaliers aren’t dead in the NBA finals just yet

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Written by Bryan Armen Graham
This news first appeared on under the title “Golden State Warriors v Cleveland Cavaliers: NBA finals Game 3 – live!”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.