Haiti FA president Yves Jean-Bart banned for life by Fifa over sexual abuse

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  • Ban and £827,000 fine follow Guardian investigation
  • Fifa finds he sexually harassed and abused female players
  • Jean-Bart plans to appeal to court of arbitration for sport

Fifa has banned Yves Jean-Bart, the president of the Haiti Football Federation, from all football-related activities and fined him 1m Swiss francs (£827,000) after its ethics committee found him guilty of having abused his position and sexually harassed and abused various female players, including minors.

Jean-Bart, known as “Dadou”, was first accused of coercing several players at the Centre Technique National in Croix-des-Bouquets into having sex with him in an article in the Guardian in April, after allegations were made by numerous sources involved with the centre, including alleged victims and their families.

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Written by Ed Aarons, Romain Molina and Alex Cizmic
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/nov/20/haiti-fa-president-yves-jean-bart-banned-for-life-by-fifa-over-sexual-abuse under the title “Haiti FA president Yves Jean-Bart banned for life by Fifa over sexual abuse”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.