Havertz and White run riot for Arsenal to crush Chelsea in boost to title hopes

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All that Arsenal can do is win, turn up the heat, ask the question of Manchester City, the defending Premier League champions, who retain control of their destiny in terms of this season’s thrilling title race. But how Mikel Arteta’s team won here and its message could not have been clearer. If City are to slip, Arsenal will be there to capitalise.

One of the images of the evening was provided by a young Chelsea fan, who held up a cardboard sign towards the end. “I don’t want your shirt. I want you to fight for ours,” it read. That stung. Then again, Chelsea’s players had stunk out the stadium.

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Written by David Hytner at the Emirates Stadium
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/apr/23/arsenal-chelsea-premier-league-match-report under the title “Havertz and White run riot for Arsenal to crush Chelsea in boost to title hopes”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.