I savoured one last round of golf before our sporting life was put on hold | Vic Marks

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Enforced absence during lockdown serves as a reminder how much playing sport – however badly – enhances our lives

For my last shot on a golf course for at least a month I was confronted with a “Dennis Wise”. This is a mischievous description, albeit a little dated, of the putt that confronted me on the 18th. How can I explain without upsetting old fans of Wimbledon and Chelsea or indeed Mr Wise himself? Let’s just say it was a tricky little five-footer. To no-one’s great surprise I missed it.

I may have tugged it a little to the left but, as far as I’m aware, I did not break any laws. I attempted to sink this putt on Wednesday, the last day before the lockdown, on the edge of Dartmoor at Okehampton Golf Club. There the roll-up had attracted record numbers; it was chilly but the sun was shining and this was going to be the last possible outing for four weeks. Everyone strained hard to be cheerful despite the looming lockdown.

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Written by Vic Marks
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2020/nov/09/i-savoured-one-last-round-of-golf-before-our-sporting-life-was-put-on-hold under the title “I savoured one last round of golf before our sporting life was put on hold | Vic Marks”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.