‘Inexcusable, a disgrace’: Fifa’s damning verdict on Yves Jean-Bart

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The shocking scale of sexual abuse allegations at Haiti’s national football centre has been documented in a Fifa report that outlines why Yves Jean-Bart has been banned from football for life. Thirty-four alleged victims of sexual abuse at the centre by 10 possible perpetrators and accomplices including Jean-Bart, the former football federation president who has consistently denied the allegations, were identified in a report by the players’ union Fifpro to Fifa’s ethics committee.

Related: Ruler of the ranch: the rise and fall of Yves Jean-Bart, Haiti’s king of football

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Written by Ed Aarons
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/jan/13/inexcusable-a-disgrace-fifas-damning-verdict-on-yves-jean-bart under the title “

‘Inexcusable, a disgrace’: Fifa’s damning verdict on Yves Jean-Bart

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