Ireland strive for colossal statement victory over South Africa at World Cup

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This showdown is fully loaded with more significance than pool supremacy with world’s two top-ranked teams colliding

The weeping grey skies in Paris currently reflect the sombre local mood. If there is one shimmering star this tournament can ill afford to lose it is Antoine Dupont, France’s captain and muse, and that doomsday scenario is now in play. Every Gallic effort will be made to patch up their national treasure but, right now, it feels like someone has walked into the Louvre and defaced the Mona Lisa.

It is also a reminder to every team at this World Cup just how quickly the bigger picture can change. For Ireland and South Africa, about to collide in a colossal pool game at the Stade de France, there are more direct implications. The losers may end up facing a Dupont-less France in a quarter-final, a different proposition to the full-fat version.

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Written by Robert Kitson in Paris
This news first appeared on under the title “Ireland strive for colossal statement victory over South Africa at World Cup”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.