‘It’s classic Ivan’: Frank expects Toney to thrive on blockbuster return

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Brentford manager insists striker is ready to put an eight-month ban for betting breaches behind him and move forward

‘That’s a good question,” Thomas Frank acknowledged, and it was far from the only one that the Brentford manager faced as he sat down to preview his team’s home game against Nottingham Forest on Saturday evening. Or, to bill it another way, and how everybody is doing: Ivan Toney’s comeback from an eight-month ban for betting offences. Is the Brentford striker fuelled by a sense of injustice?

Surprisingly, it did not get a great answer because Frank is usually the man for a great answer; always ready to engage, to think deeply, to respond with extra layers. At one point, when he was asked about the potential for Toney to get stick from opposition fans, he brought up David Beckham post-1998 World Cup. “I hope that won’t happen but I know there will be some banter and probably more than banter and stick,” Frank said.

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Written by David Hytner
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/football/2024/jan/19/its-classic-ivan-frank-expects-toney-to-thrive-on-blockbuster-return under the title “‘It’s classic Ivan’: Frank expects Toney to thrive on blockbuster return”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.