James Vince seals England’s ODI series sweep despite Babar’s 158 for Pakistan

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The third one-day international between England and Pakistan was a belter, lit up by sublime centuries from two stylists in James Vince and Babar Azam and seeing £254,000 raised for Prostate Cancer UK in memory of Bob Willis.

It was one of those days where it felt like everyone was a winner, even if the scorecard shows England emerged victorious by three wickets to claim a 3-0 series scoreline. Led by Ben Stokes, a team of reserves pressed into action by last week’s Covid-19 outbreak knocked off a target of 332 with 12 balls to spare – a record for an ODI at Edgbaston.

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Written by Ali Martin at Edgbaston
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2021/jul/13/england-pakistan-one-day-international-match-report under the title “James Vince seals England’s ODI series sweep despite Babar’s 158 for Pakistan”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.