Jay Lethal talks ROH Final Battle against Cody, remembers TNA days and match that got him hooked

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In this interview with Sporting News, Jay Lethal discusses his Dec. 14 match against Cody, remembers his TNA days and Black Machismo gimmick and reveals the match that got him hooked to wrestling.

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This news first appeared on http://www.sportingnews.com/us/wwe/news/jay-lethal-talks-roh-final-battle-against-cody-remembers-tna-days-and-match-that-got-him-hooked/8eanvvjjvloo1lxu7ed6n07w1 under the title “Jay Lethal talks ROH Final Battle against Cody, remembers TNA days and match that got him hooked”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.