Jimmy Anderson edges duel but Virat Kohli still scales mountain | Andy Bull

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The world’s best Test bowler had the No 1 batsman’s measure for much of the second day of the first Test yet India’s captain punished England’s other bowlers in scoring 149

Virat Kohli does not care to talk about the 2014 tour any more. After four years it seems the India captain has grown sick of being asked about it. But he did open up on it once, in 2015. “I put too much pressure on myself,” he said in an interview with Cricket Monthly. “I made it seem like a big mountain in front of me and once I was not able to scale it I was really disappointed.”

Related: Virat Kohli’s brilliant century frustrates England in India fightback

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Written by Andy Bull at Edgbaston
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2018/aug/02/jimmy-anderson-duel-virat-kohli-england-india-first-test under the title “Jimmy Anderson edges duel but Virat Kohli still scales mountain | Andy Bull”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.