Jimmy Anderson’s record wicket ensures England beat India in fifth Test

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• England 332 & 423-8dec: India 292 & 345
• England win by 118 runs and series 4-1

Actually Tuesday was not a bad day to be there either. On Monday there were records galore and the fondest of farewells. But now there was an unexpected turn when most had assumed that there would merely be a routine finale to a diverting season: instead there was a brief intrusion of the glorious uncertainty, which can be even better. For a moment or two there was a flicker of a chance that India might win this match.

That never came to pass and it may have been a fanciful thought. In the end England’s victory was comfortable; they won by 118 runs, to take the series 4-1, when there were still almost 14 overs remaining.

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Written by Vic Marks at the Kia Oval
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/sep/11/jimmy-anderson-england-india-day-five-fifth-test-match-report under the title “Jimmy Anderson’s record wicket ensures England beat India in fifth Test”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.